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Mortar Platoon
Submitted by Pte Glen Phillips, 53 Group Mortar Platoon
Mortar Platoon in the first few months of operation has been out and about establishing
contacts within the local community of Cazin. We are trying to get the population to trust
and co-operate with SFOR. In conjunction with this, Mortar Platoon went to a local school
in Budimovici to find that the school is falling apart, and the washrooms are unsanitary.
After a few visits it was decided that the school would become Mortar Platoon's project to
renovate the washrooms and assist in fixing the roof to ensure the local children can have
a proper learning environment. The children liked it when a Mortar Platoon patrol came to
visit the school. They all gathered around the carrier (AVGP) while some of the soldiers
got their picture taken with the kids. MBdr Burke was swamped by a lot of kids who wanted
to pose with him.
Mortar Platoon is doing very well as far as the troops in the platoon are concerned. We
are happy to see that we can make a difference.
The Budimovici School. Now the Mortar Platoon (N
Coy) CAP project. |
Not wanting to miss out on a photogenic opportunity, a cow
holds up a patrol. |
MBdr Burke amidst a swamp of kids. |
The unsanitary washrooms at the Budimovici School. |